Adaptation and Production of Heterotrigona itama from Natural Colonies in Kuantan Singingi

  • Seprido Seprido
  • Nariman Hadi
Keywords: Heterotrigona itama,, Stingless Bee, Honey


Stingless bees also referred to as kelulut, are a species of honey-producing bees that do not possess a sting. Currently, beekeeping is being developed in Kuantan Singingi. However, there is a lack of research on the adaptability and honey production of Heterotrigona itama from natural colonies. In order to enhance understanding and provide valuable insights to the community, conducting a preliminary study on the adaptability and honey production of Heterotrigona itama from natural colonies in the Kuantan Singingi district is essential. This study was carried out in Central Kuantan, utilizing 10 natural colonies, through surveys and field trials to collect data directly from the field. This research aimed to assess the acceptance rate of box topping by the Heterotrigona itama colonies, which was found to be an average of 82.3 days. Additionally, the average amount of honey per pot was 4.1 ml, with a total volume of honey per colony measuring 93.7 ml. The duration of honey pot production was recorded as 93.6 days, and the number of honey pots obtained over a span of 6 months was 22.8 pieces.


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