Properties of Rooting, Growth and Yield of Corn (Zea mays L) at Various Watering Intervals

  • Angela Patricia Kerawing
  • Sri Suryanti
  • Setyastuti Purwanti Purwanti
Keywords: corn, growth, Root, watering interval, yield


Limited water availability, particularly during the grain filling period, is a significant factor that affects the low production of corn. The root system plays a crucial role in adapting to water scarcity conditions. Hence, a study was conducted to investigate the impact of different watering intervals on the rooting properties, growth, and yield of corn plants. This research took place at the INSTIPER Yogyakarta experimental and research garden in Sempu Village, Wedomartani, Ngemplak District, Regency Sleman, Yogyakarta, from March 2023 to July 2023. The experimental design employed was a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with a single factor, consisting of three watering treatments: once a day, once every 2 days, and once every 7 days. The parameters observed included rooting, growth, and yield. The findings revealed that the watering interval of every 7 days resulted in increased root length and a decrease in the number of leaves. Although the 7-day watering interval led to a decrease in the number of cobs, it did not affect cob length, cob diameter, cob weight with husks, cob weight without husks, and weight per 100 seeds.


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