Potential of Endophytious Fungi from Rice Plant Local Genotype Kuantan Singingi in Improving Rice Plant Growth

  • Desta Andriani Universitas Islam Kuantan Singingi
  • Seprido Seprido Universitas Islam Kuantan Singingi
Keywords: endophytes, local genotypes, rice, triggers, growth


This study aims to investigate the potential of endophytic fungi derived from local genotypes of Pulut Karate and white Sisgam rice plants to enhance the growth of rice plants. The research was conducted in a laboratory setting using an experimental approach. Initially, the endophytic fungi were isolated from the rice plants of Pulut Karate and white lionfish genotypes, which were previously collected in another research project. These fungi were then cultured on PDA media and incubated for seven days. Subsequently, the germination and growth of rice seedlings inoculated with each endophytic fungus isolate were examined. The growth parameters of the rice seedlings, including seed height, root length, and number of leaves, were carefully observed. The findings of this research were presented in the form of data and images. The results indicate that the seed germination rate ranged from 90% to 100%. Among all the isolates, isolate PB03 demonstrated the most significant impact on rice plant growth, as evidenced by its taller plant height (8.03 cm) and longer root length (6.27 cm) compared to the other isolates and the control group.


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