Oil Palm Biomass Production At Sei Air Hitam Plantation , First Resources Rokan Hulu, Riau

  • Gustia Kusuma Wardani
  • Edi Santosa
Keywords: biomass, oil palm, production


The oil palm biomass production study was conducted at PT Perdana Inti Sawit Perkasa 1, Sei Air Hitam Plantation (SAHE), First Resources, Rokan Hulu Regency, Riau Province, Sumatra. The collected data consisted of special data and general data. Special data refers to primary data collected through field sampling. Two sample plants were selected for the sampling process. The first sample was taken from Block A29, planted in 2000. The second sample was taken from Block B25, planted in 1995. Both sample plants were grown in the same environment, with identical soil and moisture conditions, ensuring no variation in their characteristics. Destructive sampling was conducted to obtain leaf, stem, and root data. Descriptive analysis was used to analyze the data. Sample 1 had a total biomass of 382.3 kg dry weight or 1,317.3 kg fresh weight. Sample 2 had a biomass of 659.4 kg dry weight or 2,083.0 kg fresh weight. On average, one hectare of oil palm plantation produced 76.8 tons of dry weight or 245.8 tons of fresh weight biomass


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