Study of Soil Biological Properties in Producing Plants and Immature Plants of Oil Palm in Aek Nabara Utara Plantation PTPN III

  • Ade Maya Sari M. Siregar
  • Hilwa Walida
  • Badrul Ainy Dalimunthe
  • Dini Hariyati Adam
Keywords: Biological Properties of Soil, Immature Plants, Mature Plants, Microbes, Oil Palm


The maintenance of soil fertility stability and soil health heavily relies on the biological properties of the soil. This study aims to investigate the biological properties of soil in immature plantations (TBM III) and mature plantations (TM 18) located in Aek Nabara Utara Plantation PTPN III, Bilah Hulu District, Labuhanbatu Regency. The research methodology employed survey and descriptive methods to analyze various parameters. The parameters measured in this study include C-Organic (%), Soil Respiration (mg/CO2), Total Microbes (CFU/ml), and Total Fungi (CFU/ml). The research findings indicate increased microbes, fungi, and respiration from immature plants (TBM III) to mature plants (TM 18). This increase can be attributed to environmental factors. Numerous ground cover plants at the research site facilitate the growth and reproduction of microbes and fungi. As the number of microbes and fungi increases, so does the respiration rate.


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