Test For Germination of Cocoa Seeds (Theobroma cacao L.) Using Different Storage Lengths

  • wahyudi wahyudi
  • Gusti Marlina
Keywords: cocoa, germination, seed storage


Cocoa is one of the plantation commodities that has quite an important role in Indonesia's economic activities. Based on data from the International Cocoa Organization (ICCO) in 2021 and 2022, Indonesia is ranked 7th as the largest cocoa-producing country in the world. Apart from increasingly open export opportunities, the domestic cocoa bean market is still quite large. One of the problems in preparing high-quality seeds is seed storage time. Seeds that are stored will experience deterioration or decline in quality with signs of decreased quality, low viability and vigor, poor planting, and reduced yields. This research aims to determine the extent to which cocoa seeds are able to germinate well if stored for a certain time so that they can become a benchmark for seed users for sowing. The research approach was carried out qualitatively using mathematical methods. Data is analyzed and displayed in table form. Treatment 0 seeds were planted immediately. Treatment 1 seed was stored for 1 week, treatment 2 seeds were stored for 2 weeks, treatment 3 seeds were stored for 3 weeks, and treatment 4 seeds were stored for 4 weeks. The research results on the germination capacity of cocoa seeds with different storage periods showed that the best treatment was for seeds planted directly in the nursery, with water content 35.7%, germination time 12.3 days, germination capacity of 97.56%.


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