Orientation Of Effective Irradiation Dosage In Local Genetic Rice Improvement (Oryza sativa L.) Kuantan Singingi District Using Induced Mutation

  • Gusti Marlina
  • Auzar Syarif
  • Gustian Gustian
  • Yusniwati Yusniwati
Keywords: Induction of mutation, LD50, irradiation, local rice


The staple food of the Indonesian population is rice. Utilizing mutation induction in rice research can lead to a significant increase in genetic diversity. This increased genetic diversity in the initial population will streamline the process of selecting desired traits. The primary objective of this study is to identify the most effective dose for inducing genetic diversity in local rice from Kuantan Singingi. The research focuses on the Singgam Putih genotype. Gamma radiation experiments are conducted at the Center for Isotope and Radiation Application (PAIR) BATAN in South Jakarta. Various radiation doses are administered, ranging from 0 Gy to 350 Gy. The planting process takes place in the greenhouses of the Dhabit Farm Experimental Garden in Kari Teluk Kuantan. Data collection includes observations on sprouting percentage, seedling height, number of leaves, and root length. The LD50 value is calculated based on the regression analysis of sprouting percentage. The findings indicate that the rate of sprouted seeds decreases as the gamma irradiation dose increases. Additionally, seedling height and root length decrease with higher doses of gamma irradiation. At the same time, the number of leaves remains unaffected by the radiation dose, which may lead to changes in leaf shape. The LD50 value for the Singgam Putih genotype is determined to be 313.63 Gy. Ultimately, the optimal dose of gamma-ray irradiation is identified as 300 Gy.


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