Laboratory Evaluation of Predation Potency Euborellia Annulata (Dermaptera: Anisolabididae) on Larvae of Spodoptera Frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), a Pest of Maize Crops

  • Suci Yulanda Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara
  • Asmanizar Asmanizar Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara
  • Fenti Maimunah Simbolon Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara
Keywords: Euborellia annulata, Predation potency, Spodoptera frugiperda


Spodoptera frugiperda is an invasive pest found attacking corn plants in Indonesia in 2019. The pest attacks during the vegetative and generative periods and can cause heavy crop damage. Biological control by utilizing predators is an environmentally friendly control method. Euborellia annulata is a predator found in maize crops. This study was conducted to determine the predation potency of E. annulata on S. frugiperda larvae. This study arranged as a completely randomized design (CRD) with 5 treatments, 1 male E. annulata adult, 1 female E. annulata adult, 2 male E. annulata adult, 2 female E. annulata adult and 1 pair of male and female E. annulata adult. Ten S. frugiperda instar 3 larvae were placed in the treatment containers, then predator E. annulata was placed into the containers according to the treatment. Variables observed were the number of S. frugiperda larvae preyed and the predation behavior of E. annulata. The results showed that at 4 Days After Treatment (DAT) there was a significant difference in the predation ability of E. annulata on S. frugiperda larvae. At 5 DAT, 2 female E. annulata showed greater predation ability at 66% compared to treatment 2 male E. annulata at 52%. However, 2 female E. annulata showed the similar prey ability as 1 pair of male and female adult at 7 and 8 DAT with a mortality range of 96-100% of S. frugiperda. Predators with the female have a large prey ability and are more aggressive than the male. Morphologically, it is known that the forceps of female predators are larger than males, so that female predators are faster to prey on S. fungiperda. Female predators and have better prey potency as biological control agents for S. fungiperda pests in maize crops.


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