Utilization of Sago Waste as Bokashi to Improve The Growth and Yield of Three Varieties of Shallots (Allium ascalonicum L) on Peat Land

  • Selvia Sutriana
  • Hasan Basri Jumin
  • Ummul Muthmainnah Ulya
  • Anggun Dwi Savira
Keywords: Bokashi, Peat, Sago Waste, Shallot, Varieties


The shallot plant is a strategic vegetable product horticultural commodity with high economic value. The research aims to determine the effect of sago waste bokashi on three shallot varieties on peatlands. This research was conducted in Alah Air Village, Tebing Tinggi District, Meranti Islands Regency, Riau Province, for four months, from September to December 2023. The study used a completely randomized design with two factors, namely bokashi sago waste (dolomite, dolomite + stem bark, dolomite + fronds, dolomite + sago pulp, dolomite + mixture of the three sago wastes) and shallot varieties (bima brebes, Trisula, and ss Sakato). Parameters observed were plant height, number of leaves, percentage of bulbs formed at 35 hst, number of leaves, number of bulbs per clump, weight of wet bulbs per plot, weight of dry bulbs per plot, and percentage of bulb shrinkage. The results showed that the parameters of the percentage of bulbs appearing 35 hst and the number of bulbs had a significant effect. In contrast, the parameters of plant height, number of bulbs per clump, wet weight per plot, and dry weight per plot were not significantly affected.


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