Analysis of the Chlorophyll, Flavonoid and Protein Content of Microgreen Ricegrass (Oryza sativa L.) using Liquid Organic Fertilizer

  • Charloq Charloq
Keywords: Chlorophyll, Liquid Organic Fertilizer, Concentration, Protein, Rice Variety


Microgreen ricegrass, recognized for its numerous health advantages, can be ingested as fresh juice due to its rich chlorophyll, flavonoids, and protein content. This study investigates whether applying Liquid Organic Fertilizer (LOF) enhances protein, flavonoids, and chlorophyll levels in microgreen ricegrass. The experimental design employed a non-factorial randomized approach, utilizing LOF concentrations of 0 ml/water, 5 ml/water, 10 ml/water, and 15 ml/water. The seeds selected for this research were from the Inpari 24 Gabusan brown rice variety. The parameters measured included plant height (cm), wet weight (grams), chlorophyll content (mg/L), flavonoid content (mgQE/g), and protein content (µL/g). The findings indicate that the F3 treatment (15 mL/liter of water) resulted in an increase in plant height by 16.29 cm, wet weight by 232.55 grams, chlorophyll a by 33.08 mL/g, chlorophyll b by 41.16 mL/g, total chlorophyll by 74.23 mL/g, flavonoids by 37.32 mgQE/g, and protein by 0.12 µL/g. In conclusion, applying Liquid Organic Fertilizer at a concentration of 15 ml/liter of water significantly enhanced the plant height, wet weight, chlorophyll levels, flavonoid content, and protein concentration in microgreen ricegrass.


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