Effectiveness of Palm Empty Fruit Bunch Liquid Smoke Against Stem Base Rot Pathogen Oil Palm Plants in In-Vitro

  • Fitra Widi Setiawan
  • Yuliana Susanti Universitas Lancang Kuning
  • Al Muzafri
Keywords: Ganoderma sp, Liquid Smoke, Palm Oil


Ganoderma species significantly threaten oil palm cultivation, leading to substantial plant mortality. To mitigate the impact of Ganoderma, the application of fungicides has been a common practice. However, the prolonged use of these chemical agents poses risks to environmental sustainability. Consequently, there is a pressing need for alternative, eco-friendly solutions, one of which is using liquid smoke derived from empty oil palm bunches (TTKS). This study aims to determine the effective concentration of liquid smoke from empty oil palm bunches in inhibiting the growth of Ganoderma species. The research was conducted at the Integrated Laboratory of the Faculty of Agriculture, Pasir Pengaraian University, from November 2023 to January 2024. An experimental methodology was employed, utilizing a completely randomized design (CRD) that included six treatment groups with three replications each. The total phenol content was analyzed using the Folin-Ciocalteau method using the Smart Spectro tool. The growth rate of Ganoderma colonies was measured using a ruler, applying a formula based on the Crueger formula (1984) as referenced in Pulungan (2022). The effectiveness of the inhibitory action was calculated using the formula provided by Rakesh (2013). Data analysis was conducted descriptively, followed by statistical tests of variance (ANOVA). The findings of this study indicate that TTKS liquid smoke contains active compounds capable of inhibiting the growth of Ganoderma species, specifically phenol, at a concentration of 2.12 mg/L. The application of TTKS liquid smoke demonstrated 100% effectiveness in inhibiting the growth of Ganoderma in Treatment G3 at a concentration of 3%, followed by G4 at 4% and G5 at 5%.


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