Qualitative and Quantitative Characteristics of Some Tomato Varieties (Solanum lycopersicum L.)

  • Bintang Michael Purba
  • Siti Hartati Yusida Saragih
  • Kamsia Dorliana Sitanggang
Keywords: quantitative, varieties, qualitative, descriptive analysis, tomatoes


Tomato plants, classified as Solanum lycopersicum L., are a popular vegetable crop within the Solanaceae family, grown and utilized extensively globally. Up to the year 2020, 204 tomato varieties have been introduced by the Minister of Agriculture, with the majority being hybrid varieties developed through collaboration with national and multinational private seed companies. This research aims to identify the distinctions in qualitative attributes among rose tomatoes, bareto tomatoes, and cherry golden tomatoes. The employed research approach involves a descriptive analysis of the qualitative and quantitative attributes of various tomato cultivars, specifically cherry golden, bareto, and rose. The study findings revealed notable variations in qualitative traits among different varieties of tomato plants, including cherry golden tomatoes, bareto tomatoes, and rose tomatoes. These differences were particularly evident in growth habit, leaf color, leaf morphology, flower structure, and fruit color. Furthermore, noticeable variations in quantitative traits, such as the height of the plants, were observed at regular intervals across the different tomato varieties.


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