Preferences of Subterranean Termites (Coptotermes sp) for Monocotyledonous Plants and Dicotyledonous Plants on Mineral Land

Keywords: Humidity, Termites, Trees, Tropical, Wood


Subterranean termites are recognized for their capacity to damage various plant species, regardless of their productivity. These termites can launch attacks with varying degrees of intensity, targeting both trees and living plants, particularly in agricultural settings such as oil palm and rubber plantations, as well as in industrial forests comprising species like pine and eucalyptus. Characterized by its tropical climate, Indonesia exhibits high levels of environmental humidity, warmth, and organic matter in the soil, which further supports termite activity in a study conducted in the Tj. Keliling Village Plantation area of Salapian District, Langkat Regency, ten bait woods were randomly planted in a rectangular plot measuring 12 meters in length and 7 meters in width. The spacing between the rows of bait wood was set at 30 cm, while the distance between individual bait wood columns was 60 cm. A descriptive method was employed for data analysis. The findings revealed varying percentages of damage among different types of bait wood: 10% for Pinang wood, 5% for coconut wood, 18.3% for oil palm wood, 33.3% for durian wood, 73.3% for teak wood, and the highest damage percentage of 77.3% for kapok wood. The attraction of termites to plants situated on mineral soil is attributed to the latter's role in enhancing humidity, which is a critical factor facilitating the rapid growth and proliferation of subterranean termites. Consequently, the intensity of their attacks can occur at any time until appropriate management measures are implemented.


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