Micropropagation of Orchids (Cattleya sp) by adding Plantain Extract and Activated Charcoal to MS Media by in-vitro

  • Wendra Mayandres Pratama
  • Elfi Indrawanis
  • Tri Nopsagiarti
Keywords: Activated Charcoal, banana Extract, Cattleya sp, Concentration, In-Vitro


The Cattleya sp orchid, which belongs to the Orchidaceae family, is a popular ornamental plant that is widely enjoyed around the world. It is natural for orchids to be very difficult to cultivate, and in vitro techniques are one way to reproduce Cattleya sp orchids in controlled conditions. The purpose of the study was to investigate the growth of Cattleya sp orchid explants by introducing different levels of plantain extract and activated charcoal to MS media in a controlled environment. The research design employed a factorial Completely Randomized Design (CRD) involving 2 treatments: banana extract (with concentrations of 0 g/l, 25 g/l, 50 g/l, and 75 g/l) and activated charcoal (with concentrations of 0 g/l, 1 g/l, 2 g/l, and 3 g/l). The results indicated that the concentration of banana extract had a notable impact on the average number of leaves (5.00), the number of roots (7.92), and the length of the roots (1.31 cm). The ideal concentration of banana extract is 50 grams per liter of MS medium. A single treatment of activated charcoal had a significant effect on Cattleya sp orchid explants, with the best concentration of activated charcoal being 2 g/l MS media. This resulted in a leaf length of 1.28 cm, 7.44 roots, and a root length of 1.38 cm. In the meantime, the combination of plantain extract and activated charcoal did not significantly affect any of the parameters


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