Increasing the Growth of Bridal Tears Flower Stem Cuttings (Antigonon leptopus) by providing Plant Growth Regulators and Planting Media

  • Eka Bobby Febrianto
  • Silvia Nora
  • Ingrid Ovie Yosephine
  • Teguh Pratama
Keywords: Antigonon leptopus, Growth Regulators, Planting Media, Solid, Stem Cuttings


It is imperative to implement integrated control measures for Oil Palm Leaf-Eating Caterpillars (UPDKS), as continual chemical management can result in pest resistance and environmental degradation. Utilizing natural enemies for biological control involves the utilization of predators, pest-consuming animals, as well as parasites or bacteria with pathogenic properties against pests. Examples of predators, including Sycanus leucomesus and Eocanthecona furcellata, egg parasitoids, such as Trichogrammatidea thoseae, and larval parasites, such as Chaetexorista javana, are a few of the many types of organisms that can have an impact on the populations of their prey. These indigenous predators sustain themselves by feeding on host plants within their natural habitat. The bridal tears flower (Antigonon leptopus) is considered to be one of the host plants. Thus, it is imperative to promote the growth of Antigonon leptopus in order to provide a habitat for the natural predators of the UPDKS pest. The objective of this research was to identify the components of the planting medium and to establish the most effective concentration of growth regulators for propagating bridal tears stem cuttings (Antigonon leptopus). The research was conducted at the Indonesian Palm Oil Technology Institute (ITSI) Practice Garden in Medan, North Sumatra. The research was conducted over three months, from February to April 2024. The Factorial Randomized Block Design (RAK) method was employed, with the first factor, namely S (Planting Media), comprising three levels: Top Soil without solid, Top Soil with 20% Solid, and Top Soil with 40% Solid. The second factor, namely Plant Growth Regulators, was also treated with three levels: without plant growth regulators, concentration of 100 Mg/l, and concentration of 200 Mg/l. Thus, the study comprises nine treatment combinations, each with four replications. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) table is employed to assess the significance of the observed differences, with the Duncan multiple range test (DMRT) conducted at a 5% level of significance when warranted.The findings from the research indicated that the manipulation of the planting medium composition (S) had a notable impact on the number of leaves, number of roots, and fresh weight of the roots. Additionally, it was found to have a highly significant influence on the height of the shoots. The optimal composition of the planting medium was identified as S2. The manipulation of growth regulators (R) concentration had a notable impact on shoot height and root fresh weight, as well as a highly significant effect on the number of leaves and roots. R2 exhibited the most optimal concentration of growth regulators. The growth of Antigonon leptopus stem cuttings was not affected by the combination of planting medium composition (S) and growth regulator concentration (R) in a non-interacting manner.


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