Increased Growth of RED Jabon (Anthocephalus macrophyllus) Seedlings using Various Doses of Compost Fertiliser on Used Gold Mine Planting Media
Mining operations disrupt the equilibrium of terrestrial ecosystems, leading to a decline in soil fertility and overall environmental quality. The adverse effects of such activities can severely impact forest ecosystems, resulting in disturbances to physical, chemical, and biological conditions. Consequently, initiatives aimed at restoring soil health to its pre-mining state are essential, often involving revegetation efforts. The cultivation of red jabon trees in nutrient-deficient and less fertile soils necessitates the incorporation of organic matter to enhance soil quality, typically achieved through the application of compost. This study aimed to evaluate the effects and optimal ratios of compost mixed with ex-gold mining soil on the growth of red jabon seedlings. The experimental design included four treatment groups and five replications, yielding a total of 20 experimental units. The treatments for compost application were as follows: D1 = control (no compost), D2 = 10% compost + 90% ex-gold mining soil, D3 = 30% compost + 70% ex-gold mining soil, and D4 = 50% compost + 50% ex-gold mining soil. The parameters observed included survival rate, height growth, diameter growth, dry weight of the plants, and root-to-crown ratio. The findings indicated that the application of compost significantly influenced the growth of red jabon seedlings. Notably, treatment D4 (50% compost + 50% ex-gold mining soil) yielded the most favorable results, achieving a survival rate of 100%, a height increase of 16.56 cm, a diameter increase of 2.21 mm, a dry weight of 40.73 g, and a root-to-crown ratio of 4.84.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Viny Volcherina Darlis, Pebriandi Pebriandi, Fini Zulpeti Anggraini, Muhammad Mardhiansyah

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