Adaptation Test of Several Promising Varieties of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) in Lowlands

  • Emanuel Seda Oja Institut Pertanian STIPER Yogyakarta
  • Sri Suryanti
  • Hangger Gahara Mawandha Institut Pertanian STIPER Yogyakarta
Keywords: Adaptation, Cucumber, Lowland, Morphology, Variety


Cucumber plants exhibit a remarkable capacity for adaptation to varying altitudes. The objective of this study is to identify the cucumber hybrid candidates that demonstrate the highest adaptability in lowland environments, based on the diversity of both qualitative and quantitative growth characteristics exhibited by each hybrid of Cucumis sativus L. The research was conducted in Sumbersari Hamlet, Kencong Village, Kepung District, Kediri Regency, East Java Province. A completely randomized block design (CRBD) was employed, incorporating six treatments of cucumber varieties, which included five hybrid varieties and one control variety. The experiment was organized into four groups. The materials utilized in this study comprised cucumber seeds from the Cu12, Cu13, Cu14, Cu15, Cu16 varieties, along with the Top Tavi F1 variety as a control. Fertilizers used included NPK and Urea. Observations of qualitative characteristics were conducted in accordance with the test implementation guidelines (PPU), with color variables assessed using the RHS color chart. The qualitative analysis revealed that the cucumber leaves exhibited a green hue (greyish olive green), the flowers were yellow (brilliant yellow), the fruit skin displayed green and yellowish green tones (moderate olive green and strong yellow green), and the shape of the fruit base and slices was characterized as round and obtuse. In terms of quantitative characteristics, the Cu12 variety demonstrated the shortest harvest age, while the Cu16 variety exhibited the longest. Among the varieties tested, the Cu13 variety emerged as the most adaptive, possessing characteristics and traits that surpassed those of the control variety (Top Tavi F1).


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