Identification of The Causes of Base Rot Disease of Palm Oil in Two Villages in Kampar and Siak Districts of Riau Province

  • Yetti Elfina Universitas Riau
  • Irfandri Universitas Riau
  • Aisyah Sabirunah Universitas Riau
  • Widya Ningsih Universitas Riau
Keywords: Ganoderma sp, Oil palm, Riau, stem base rot


Palm oil (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) is an important plantation crop in Indonesia including in Riau Province. Palm oil productivity in Riau has decreased due to several factors, one of which is disease. An important disease in  palm oil plantations is stem base rot (BPB) caused by the fungus Ganoderma sp. This study aims to identify the causes of BPB disease of palm oil in Deli Makmur Village, Kampar Regency and Jati Baru Village, Siak Regency. This research was conducted using survey and observation methods in palm oil plantations in two villages in Kampar and Siak Districts. The identification of pathogens was carried out based on morphological characteristics by making macroscopic and microscopic observations. Initial diagnosis based on symptoms and signs palm oil plants found in Deli Makmur Village and in Jati Baru Village showed symptoms of stem base rot (BPB). The results of morphological identification show that the pathogen causing BPB disease is Ganoderma sp. The macroscopic and microscopic characteristics of the two Ganoderma sp. fungal isolates are slightly different, where the fungal isolate from Deli Makmur Village mycelium grows sideways, has a smooth and very thick texture, there are concentric rings, crystals and cuticular cells. While the mushroom isolate from Jati Baru Village mycelium grows sideways, has a fine texture, is quite thick, and there are no ring-shaped concentric, crystals and cuticular cells.


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