Improving The Growth of Mung Bean Plants (Vigna radiata L.) with Various Soil Tillage Methods

  • Punjung Institut Pertanian Bogor
  • Astryani Institut Pertanian Bogor
  • Aldi
  • Ulil
  • Mertya
Keywords: Cultivation, Fertilizer, pH, Productivity, Yield


Soil tillage plays a crucial role in determining the productivity of mung bean plants. It is essential to conduct research aimed at identifying the optimal soil tillage techniques for enhancing mung bean growth. This study was carried out from August to November 2023 at the Gunung Gede Experimental Field, located at IPB Bogor Vocational School. A one-factor randomized complete block design was employed, featuring three treatment levels: Maximum Tillage, Minimum Tillage, and No Tillage. The Vima 2 variety of mung beans was utilized for this investigation. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed significant differences in yield characteristics, specifically seed weight and overall productivity. Furthermore, Pearson Correlation Analysis indicated a notable relationship between stem diameter and plant height, as well as the number of leaves and productivity. A particularly strong correlation was observed between seed weight and productivity. The findings suggest that the Maximum Tillage Method is the most effective approach for cultivating the Vima 2 variety of mung beans.


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