Effectiveness of AB MIX and Patents to Increase Microgreen Ercis Plant Yields

  • Chusrin Irwansyah Institut Teknologi Rokan Hilir
  • Saripah ulpah Universitas Islam Riau
  • Meli Roslianti Institut Teknologi Rokan Hilir
  • Yulia Riskie Institut Teknologi Rokan Hilir
Keywords: AB Mix Concentration, Microgreen, Patent, Peas


Microgreens are young vegetables recognized for their robust flavor and high nutritional content, including beneficial antioxidants that promote health. Peas show great potential as a microgreen because they can be harvested multiple times. This study aims to evaluate the effects of AB mix nutrients and patented fertilizers on the growth and yield of microgreen plants. The research was conducted at the Laboratory of the Faculty of Agriculture, Riau Islamic University, over the course of one month in June 2024. This study used a completely randomized design with two factors: the provision of AB mix (100 ppm, 200 ppm, 300 ppm) and Patent (immune patent 1 + patent fertilizer 1, immune patent 2 + patent fertilizer 1, immune patent 1 + patent fertilizer 2). The parameters observed were Plant Height, Root Length, Economic Wet Weight. In terms of interaction, there was no significant effect but the main effect was significant on the parameters of height, root length, economic wet weight. The best treatment of AB mix at a concentration of 300 ppm and the best treatment of paten at a comparative dose of paten imun 1 + paten fertilizer 2


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