Exploration of Citrus Germplasm in Mount Leuser National Park Region

  • Muhammad Husaini Assauwab Universitas Gunung Leuser Aceh
  • Deden Sumoharjo Universitas Gunung Leuser Aceh
  • Sahli Sadri Universitas Gunung Leuser Aceh
Keywords: Biodiversity, Endemic, Local, TNGL, Variety


Citrus holds significant economic value and nutritional benefits in Indonesia, with varieties like lemon, mandarin orange, and grapefruit being extensively grown for consumption and industrial purposes. The diversity of citrus germplasm plays a crucial role in developing superior varieties that can withstand diseases and environmental changes. This study aimed to assess the diversity of citrus plant germplasm in Gunung Leuser National Park (TNGL), North Sumatra, known for its rich biodiversity. The research involved administrative preparations, field surveys to collect citrus samples from various locations in TNGL, morphological and genetic analysis, and the development of improved varieties through plant breeding. The observations revealed that citrus in TNGL belongs to the Rutaceae family, characterized by compound leaves, thorny stems, strong taproots, and fruits resembling Citrus sinensis. These traits indicate adaptation to local conditions and potential for enhancing citrus varieties' adaptability and productivity. This research is anticipated to support the sustainable management of citrus germplasm and will be published in a reputable national journal.


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