Morphological Characteristics and Evaluating Bioactive Compound Extracts of Isotoma longiflora and Clitoria ternatea Plants from Central Kalimantan as Therapeutic Agents

  • Noor Hujjatusnaini
  • Utin Tria Marshanda IAIN Palangkaraya
  • Ridha Nirmalasari IAIN Palangkaraya
  • Ridha Nirmalasari IAIN Palangkaraya
Keywords: Central Kalimantan, Clitoria ternate, Herbal Infection Therapy, Isotoma longiflora, Secondary Metabolites


Central Kalimantan is characterized by its diverse biological resources, including traditional medicinal plants such as Isotoma longiflora (known as kitolod) and Clitoria ternatea (often called blue pea flower). This research aims to investigate the therapeutic properties of extracts derived from these two plants while also evaluating their efficacy and safety within the public health framework in Central Kalimantan. The study focused on the bioactive compound extracts from Isotoma Longiflora and Clitoria ternatea, both sourced from this region. These plants are recognized for their secondary metabolites, including flavonoids, saponins, tannins, and alkaloids, which offer various pharmacological advantages. Employing exploratory survey techniques alongside laboratory experiments, the research examined the plants’ morphological characteristics and assessed their extracts’ effectiveness on mice infected with Fusarium sp. Findings indicated that the combined extracts significantly lowered the intraocular pressure (IOP) in the infected mice, reducing it from 25.375–33.25 mmHg to nearly normal levels, precisely 12.075–14.575 mmHg. This observed efficacy is attributed to the bioactive compounds’ antioxidant, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory properties. The study underscores the potential of Isotoma Longiflora and Clitoria ternatea from Central Kalimantan as viable local plant-based therapeutic agents, thereby contributing to the advancement of herbal medicine and the conservation of biodiversity.


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