The Spatial Land Suitability Evaluation for Corn (Zea mays L) Crops in Patilanggio District, Pohuwato Regency, Gorontalo Province

  • Fitria S. Bagu Program Studi Agroteknologi Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Negeri Gorontalo
Keywords: corn, Land Suitability, spatial analysis, Sustainability


Agricultural land in Gorontalo had 60% suitable soil texture for maize crops. This shows the importance of agronomic interventions to support the optimization of maize production. The purpose of this study was 1) To assess the level of land suitability for corn cultivation in Patilanggio District; 2) To conduct a spatial analysis (map) of land suitability for corn cultivation in Patilanggio District; 3) To formulate strategies for sustainable corn land management in Patilanggio District. This research was conducted in one district, namely Patilanggio, located in Pohuwato Regency, which is known as the corn cultivation base area. The research method used site survey and soil sampling using a soil ring sampler, then tested and analyzed at the UGM Geography Soil Laboratory. The stages of GIS data analysis and synthesis include: (1) on-screen digitization; (2) overlaying tentative maps. Data analysis for land suitability was conducted using LCLP (Land Classification and Land Use Planning) software. The results showed that the level of land suitability varied, requiring agronomic interventions to improve land suitability. This level of land suitability indicates that Patilanggio District has considerable potential for corn cultivation. Spatial land suitability maps provide an overview of potential areas for corn development. Soil conservation-based land management strategies need to be implemented to maintain productivity and ecosystem sustainability, including crop rotation, balanced fertilization, and the use of adaptive high-yielding varieties.


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