JURNAL AGRONOMI TANAMAN TROPIKA (JUATIKA) 2024-10-14T06:59:14+07:00 Pebra Heriansyah,SP.,MP Open Journal Systems <p style="text-align: justify;">Jurnal Agronomi Tanaman Tropika (JUATIKA) is a journal based on the research article, review article/literature review in Agronomy, Plant Protection, and Soil Science</p> Utilization of Sago Waste as Bokashi to Improve The Growth and Yield of Three Varieties of Shallots (Allium ascalonicum L) on Peat Land 2024-09-30T13:07:41+07:00 Selvia Sutriana Hasan Basri Jumin Ummul Muthmainnah Ulya Anggun Dwi Savira The shallot plant is a strategic vegetable product horticultural commodity with high economic value. The research aims to determine the effect of sago waste bokashi on three shallot varieties on peatlands. This research was conducted in Alah Air Village, Tebing Tinggi District, Meranti Islands Regency, Riau Province, for four months, from September to December 2023. The study used a completely randomized design with two factors, namely bokashi sago waste (dolomite, dolomite + stem bark, dolomite + fronds, dolomite + sago pulp, dolomite + mixture of the three sago wastes) and shallot varieties (bima brebes, Trisula, and ss Sakato). Parameters observed were plant height, number of leaves, percentage of bulbs formed at 35 hst, number of leaves, number of bulbs per clump, weight of wet bulbs per plot, weight of dry bulbs per plot, and percentage of bulb shrinkage. The results showed that the parameters of the percentage of bulbs appearing 35 hst and the number of bulbs had a significant effect. In contrast, the parameters of plant height, number of bulbs per clump, wet weight per plot, and dry weight per plot were not significantly affected. 2024-09-07T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Selvia Sutriana, Hasan Basri Jumin, Ummul Muthmainnah Ulya, Anggun Dwi Savira Synergistic Effects of Photosynthetic Bacteria and Endophytes: A Novel Approach to Enhance Cayenne Pepper Productivity 2024-09-30T13:11:29+07:00 Yovi Avianto Nur Kartika Sari Ananta Bayu Pratama Cayenne peppers (Capsicum frutescens) are a valuable commodity contributing significantly to the economy of Sleman Regency. Despite their substantial economic potential, cayenne pepper farming practices in Sleman often lack integration of sustainable and eco-friendly agricultural principles. This research aims to investigate the potential of utilizing photosynthetic bacteria and endophytic bacteria to enhance the growth and yield of cayenne peppers in Sleman Regency. The study was conducted in Gondang Lutung Hamlet, Donoharjo Village, Ngaglik District, Sleman. A randomized complete block design (RCBD) was employed with a single factor: beneficial bacteria type, including P1 (PSB + Endophyte), P2 (PSB), P3 (Endophyte), and P4 (Control). The findings revealed that the combination of photosynthetic bacteria and endophytic bacteria had varying effects on cayenne pepper growth. The combination treatment significantly enhanced plant height, chlorophyll content, flower number, fruit number per plant, fresh fruit weight, production, productivity, and resistance to C. capsici, C. gloeosporoides, and R. solanacearum. Single PSB application improved plant growth attributes, while Endophyte application demonstrated potential for enhancing cayenne pepper resistance to pathogens. The study demonstrates the potential of utilizing beneficial bacteria, particularly the combination of PSB and Endophyte, to enhance cayenne pepper growth, yield, and disease resistance. This research provides valuable insights for promoting sustainable and eco-friendly cayenne pepper farming practices. 2024-09-07T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Yovi Avianto, Nur Kartika Sari, Ananta Bayu Pratama Optimizing The Growth of Arabica Coffee (Coffea arabica L.) Typica Variety Seedlings through Planting Media Composition and Liquid Organic Fertilizer of Conch Eggs in Toraja 2024-09-30T13:15:11+07:00 Driyunitha Driyunitha Sion Oktafianus This research investigates the impact of different planting medium compositions and the application of liquid organic fertilizer derived from golden apple snail eggs on Arabica coffee seedlings (Coffea arabica L.) growth of the Typica variety. Conducted over 12 weeks at the experimental garden of Toraja University, the study employed a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) featuring two primary factors: the composition of the planting medium (M1: topsoil, sand, pig manure in a ratio of 2:1:1; M2: topsoil, sand, pig manure in a ratio of 1:2:1; M3: topsoil, sand, pig manure in a ratio of 1:1:2) and the dosage of POC from golden apple snail eggs (K1: 100 ml/plant, K2: 200 ml/plant, K3: 300 ml/plant). The findings indicated that the planting medium's composition and POC dosage significantly influenced the coffee seedlings' height, leaf count, and stem diameter. The planting medium with a 1:1:2 ratio of topsoil, sand, and pig manure (M3) yielded the most favorable outcomes, achieving an average plant height of 18.06 cm, 4.54 leaves, and a stem diameter of 1.92 mm. Additionally, a 200 ml/plant dosage of POC from golden snail eggs (K2) resulted in a maximum plant height of 18.46 cm and an average leaf count of 4.57. and a stem diameter of 1.75 mm. The interaction between M3 and K2 (M3K2) produced the most significant results across all growth parameters, with a plant height of 24.67 cm, 5.33 leaves, and a stem diameter of 2.53 mm. This study underscores the importance of selecting suitable planting media and utilizing POC from golden snail eggs to enhance the growth of Arabica coffee seedlings, offering valuable insights for improving coffee cultivation practices through optimized media and organic fertilizer application. 2024-09-07T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Driyunitha Driyunitha, Sion Oktafianus Best Combination of Liquid Organic Fertilizer with NPK Fertilizer for Cocoa Seedling Growth (Theobroma cacao L.) 2024-10-06T17:54:47+07:00 Rudi Hartawan Hayata Saut Frandoni Manullang <p>One strategy for achieving sustainable agriculture is the reduction of inorganic fertilizers. Inorganic fertilizers are reduced by substituting them with organic fertilizers. This study aimed to identify the optimal combination of LOF with NPK fertilizers to promote the growth of cocoa seedlings in polybags. The study used completely randomize design. The treatment design, namely the combination of LOF with NPK fertilizers, consisted of five distinct combinations: control, 100% LOF, 100% NPK, 75% LOF +25% NPK, 50% LOF + 50% NPK, and 25% LOF + 75% NPK. The parameters observed were plant height, stem diameter, number of leaves, total leaf area, plant dry weight, shoot dry weight, root dry weight, soil physical properties, soil water content, soil analysis, and seedling quality index. The results showed that treatment 25% LOF + 75% NPK increased the percentage of plant height by 73.47%, stem diameter by 42.13%, number of leaves by 67.36%, total leaf area by 75.30%, plant dry weight by 45.70%, shoot dry weight by 24.81%, root dry weight by 95.54%, and seedling quality index by 90.65%. LOF can reduce the use of NPK fertilizer by 25% in cocoa seedling.</p> 2024-09-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Rudi Hartawan, Hayata Hayata, Saut Frandoni Manullang Optimizing the Growth and Yield of Kale (Brassica oleracea Var. Acephala) by providing Eggshell Liquid Fertilizer and Water Hyacinth Bokashi 2024-10-07T06:39:09+07:00 Abdul Haris Maimuna Nontji Anwar Robbo Abdul Akbar Annisa Agistati Berlian <p>This study investigated the optimal concentration of liquid organic fertilizer from chicken eggshells and the effective dose of water hyacinth bokashi for enhancing kale (<em>Brassica oleracea</em> var. Acephala) growth and yield. Conducted in Bontomanai Village, Bungaya Subdistrict, Gowa Regency, the research utilized a factorial randomized block design with two factors: concentration of liquid fertilizer (0 ml, 100 ml/L, 300 ml/L) and bokashi dose (0 kg, 1 kg, 2 kg). The study included 9 treatment combinations, each replicated 3 times, resulting in 27 experimental units. Key parameters measured were plant height, number of leaves, fresh weight per plant, fresh weight per plot, consumable weight per plot, root weight per plot, and yield per hectare. Findings revealed that neither the interaction of liquid fertilizer concentration and bokashi dose nor their individual effects significantly influenced kale growth or yield. The concentration of 100 ml/L liquid fertilizer produced the highest number of leaves (23.29), fresh weight per plant (73.67 g), and yield per hectare (5.50 tons). The 2 kg/plot bokashi dose resulted in the highest number of leaves (23.81), fresh weight per plant (72.98 g), and yield per hectare (5.60 tons).</p> 2024-09-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Abdul Haris, Maimuna Nontji, Anwar Robbo, Abdul Akbar, Annisa Agistati Berlian Preferences of Subterranean Termites (Coptotermes sp) for Monocotyledonous Plants and Dicotyledonous Plants on Mineral Land 2024-10-08T12:54:52+07:00 Sebayang Dimas Risky Khana Rini Susanti <p>Subterranean termites are recognized for their capacity to damage various plant species, regardless of their productivity. These termites can launch attacks with varying degrees of intensity, targeting both trees and living plants, particularly in agricultural settings such as oil palm and rubber plantations, as well as in industrial forests comprising species like pine and eucalyptus. Characterized by its tropical climate, Indonesia exhibits high levels of environmental humidity, warmth, and organic matter in the soil, which further supports termite activity in a study conducted in the Tj. Keliling Village Plantation area of Salapian District, Langkat Regency, ten bait woods were randomly planted in a rectangular plot measuring 12 meters in length and 7 meters in width. The spacing between the rows of bait wood was set at 30 cm, while the distance between individual bait wood columns was 60 cm. A descriptive method was employed for data analysis. The findings revealed varying percentages of damage among different types of bait wood: 10% for Pinang wood, 5% for coconut wood, 18.3% for oil palm wood, 33.3% for durian wood, 73.3% for teak wood, and the highest damage percentage of 77.3% for kapok wood. The attraction of termites to plants situated on mineral soil is attributed to the latter's role in enhancing humidity, which is a critical factor facilitating the rapid growth and proliferation of subterranean termites. Consequently, the intensity of their attacks can occur at any time until appropriate management measures are implemented.</p> 2024-09-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Sebayang Dimas Risky Khana, Rini Susanti Evaluating The Physical Quality of Trembesi Seedlings (Samanea saman) in The Permanent Nursery of BPDAS Indragiri Rokan, Pekanbaru City, Riau Province 2024-10-08T13:40:14+07:00 Muhammad Mardhiansyah Teguh Imanto Pebriandi Pebriandi Evi Sribudiani Sonia Somadona Nur Suhada <p>The availability of high-quality seedlings is crucial for reforestation and forest rehabilitation initiatives aimed at mitigating deforestation. This study assesses the physical quality of rain tree (<em>Samanea saman</em>) seedlings produced by the Permanent Nursery of BPDAS Indragiri Rokan, located in Pekanbaru, Riau Province. A systematic sampling method with a random start was employed, involving 15,155 raintree seedlings that were six months old, from which a sample size of 200 seedlings was selected following SNI 8420 of 2018. The parameters observed included seedling height, stem diameter, leaf count (LCR), compactness of the planting medium, and root crown ratio. Data analysis was conducted based on the general and specific quality requirements outlined in SNI and Perdirjen RLPS No. P.05/V-Set/2009. The findings revealed that 66.5% of the seedlings satisfied the general requirements, while 72.38% met the specific requirements. The rain tree seedlings were classified within quality class D, with a percentage of normal seedlings falling below 95% and several samples exhibiting damage from pests and diseases. These results underscore the necessity for enhancements in nursery management, particularly concerning pest and disease control, to elevate the quality of raintree seedlings in future production.</p> 2024-09-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Mardhiansyah, Teguh Imanto, Pebriandi Pebriandi, Evi Sribudiani, Sonia Somadona, Nur Suhada Increasing the Growth of Bridal Tears Flower Stem Cuttings (Antigonon leptopus) by providing Plant Growth Regulators and Planting Media 2024-10-14T06:59:14+07:00 Eka Bobby Febrianto Silvia Nora Ingrid Ovie Yosephine Teguh Pratama <p>It is imperative to implement integrated control measures for Oil Palm Leaf-Eating Caterpillars (UPDKS), as continual chemical management can result in pest resistance and environmental degradation. Utilizing natural enemies for biological control involves the utilization of predators, pest-consuming animals, as well as parasites or bacteria with pathogenic properties against pests. Examples of predators, including Sycanus leucomesus and Eocanthecona furcellata, egg parasitoids, such as Trichogrammatidea thoseae, and larval parasites, such as Chaetexorista javana, are a few of the many types of organisms that can have an impact on the populations of their prey. These indigenous predators sustain themselves by feeding on host plants within their natural habitat. The bridal tears flower (<em>Antigonon leptopus</em>) is considered to be one of the host plants. Thus, it is imperative to promote the growth of <em>Antigonon leptopus</em> in order to provide a habitat for the natural predators of the UPDKS pest. The objective of this research was to identify the components of the planting medium and to establish the most effective concentration of growth regulators for propagating bridal tears stem cuttings (<em>Antigonon leptopus</em>). The research was conducted at the Indonesian Palm Oil Technology Institute (ITSI) Practice Garden in Medan, North Sumatra. The research was conducted over three months, from February to April 2024. The Factorial Randomized Block Design (RAK) method was employed, with the first factor, namely S (Planting Media), comprising three levels: Top Soil without solid, Top Soil with 20% Solid, and Top Soil with 40% Solid. The second factor, namely Plant Growth Regulators, was also treated with three levels: without plant growth regulators, concentration of 100 Mg/l, and concentration of 200 Mg/l. Thus, the study comprises nine treatment combinations, each with four replications. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) table is employed to assess the significance of the observed differences, with the Duncan multiple range test (DMRT) conducted at a 5% level of significance when warranted.The findings from the research indicated that the manipulation of the planting medium composition (S) had a notable impact on the number of leaves, number of roots, and fresh weight of the roots. Additionally, it was found to have a highly significant influence on the height of the shoots. The optimal composition of the planting medium was identified as S2. The manipulation of growth regulators (R) concentration had a notable impact on shoot height and root fresh weight, as well as a highly significant effect on the number of leaves and roots. R2 exhibited the most optimal concentration of growth regulators. The growth of <em>Antigonon leptopus</em> stem cuttings was not affected by the combination of planting medium composition (S) and growth regulator concentration (R) in a non-interacting manner.</p> 2024-09-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Eka Bobby Febrianto, Silvia Nora, Ingrid Ovie Yosephine, Teguh Pratama