• beta bela
Keywords: Protection, Victims, Crime, Rape


The crime of rape is a form of violence against women which is an example of the vulnerability of women's position, especially to men's sexual interests. The sexual image of women, which has been placed as a male sexual object, has far-reaching implications for women's lives, so that they are forced to always face violence, coercion and physical and psychological abuse. Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded that the form of legal protection for rape victims in the jurisdiction of the Kuantan Singingi Police is: Receiving reports / complaints from victims, legal protection given to victims of criminal acts of rape was first provided by the Police when the victim reported. The victim is examined in the special service room (RPK) at the PPA Unit, if the victim is physically injured the victim is taken to the Teluk Kuantan Regional General Hospital, if the victim is traumatized the police cooperate with the Women and Children Service Integrated Empowerment Center (P2TP2A) and the Social Service in the protection of female victims, so that the victim is placed or secured in a safe house or shelter under the auspices of the Social Service for the safety and security of the victim. In case of serious injury, the police cooperate with the district P2TP2A for treatment costs. Providing counseling assistance to victims if needed or the case does not meet the elements of the Criminal Code. The police submitted an application for a visum et repertum to the Teluk Kuantan Regional General Hospital, the costs of which were borne by the Integrated Women's and Children's Service Center (P2TP2A) under the auspices of the Women and Children Empowerment Service. The police will issue a Notification Letter on the Progress of Investigation Results (SP2HP) to the victim, which contains the telephone number of the assistant investigator who handles the case so that if there is a problem the victim can immediately report to the assistant investigator. Protection provided by the police until the victim feels safe, in collaboration with the social services and P2TP2A to protect the victim. As for the inhibiting factors for the provision of legal protection, namely Hamabat from the Internal Police of the Kuantan Singingi Regency Resort because there is no special service room (RPK) in the PPA unit of the Kuantan Singingi Police and the lack of quality RPK personnel who should be First Officer (Pama) qualified investigator as Head of PPA Unit, Yanmas NCO who are trained to receive complaints / reports and make police reports, NCO Police Detective is qualified as Assistant Investigator and / or Konseller. External obstacles are the absence of safe rooms or shelters in the social service of Kuantan Singingi Regency which are useful for protecting victims or victim witnesses in order to avoid threats, both perpetrators and others.


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