• Diskhamarzaweny Diskhamarzaweny
  • Zul Ammar
Keywords: E-Commerce, Marketing Management, Consumer Protection


E-Commerce is a breakthrough in the world of information technology that is supported by existing technology tools, because it can provide information in a more interesting, fun and on-line form at any time without time limit. In this regard, both established and not yet established companies, can become objects in the application of marketing through E-Commerce. This study aims to describes implementation of E-Commerce in terms of marketing management perspective, legal arrangements in Indonesia regarding E-Commerce, as well as the legal protection provided for E-Commerce consumers in Indonesia. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach and normative juridical with a literature study method. The results show that the implementation of E-Commerce has a very significant impact in the business world, especially in the field of marketing. Therefore, legal protection and legal certainty from the government are needed for E-Commerce consumers. Two laws related to consumer protection in E-Commerce transactions are Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection (UUPK) and Law No. 19 of 2016 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions (UU ITE). The two laws have been able to provide adequate legal protection for consumers, although not yet optimal, in conducting buying and selling movable goods through E-Commerce. The two laws have regulated the use of consumer personal data, legal requirements for an E-Commerce transaction, the use of CA (Certification Authority), standard clauses and regulates prohibited actions for business actors in marketing and producing goods and services that can be used as reference for objects in E-Commerce transactions.


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