• Deni Tri Mulyanto
Keywords: Customer Factors, Rahn Products


Limited Liability Company (PT) Pegadaian Syari'ah Pekanbaru Soebrantas Branch is one of the PT. Sharia-based pawn shops that serve customers pawning their goods, especially those with an interest in meeting their daily needs. Rahn products are one of the superior products offered by PT. Pegadaian Syari'ah Pekanbaru Subrantas Branch, this product can be used by customers for a place to borrow money with a time limit given for 15 days, the amount of which starts from Rp. 50,000 to Rp. 200 million with a maximum term of 4 months. The study used a sample of 44 people Gold Pawn Products (Ar-Rahn) Data Collection techniques conducted by Observation, interview and documentation and Data Analysis using the results of interviews with the aim of explaining the real situation. From the results of research procedures for financing Gold Pawn products, prospective customers come directly to PT. Pegadaian Syariah Branch of Subrantas Pekanbaru by carrying gold in the form of jewelry or bars by showing predetermined financing requirements. Then the pawn officer will calculate the financing the customer will receive. disbursement accompanied by payment of administrative costs in cash in accordance with specified, then the quality of the pawn officer is examined to determine the value of the financing to be provided Customer factors in choosing Rahn Products are as follows: because of the ease of collateral, because of the ease of getting information from the mass media, print and electronic media as well as because of the increasing needs of people's lives due to economic conditions that tend to change. Factors thatmake

customers prefer Rahn products when compared with other products at PT. Syari'ah Pegadaian Branch of Subrantas Pekanbaru, namely: Very low Ujroh Tariff Factor, Easy and simple and fast Process Factors and Requirements, Goods Safety Guarantee Factor guaranteed by the pawnshop, Obligatory Factors (Syari'ah) because in the transaction process without interest as in Conventional Banks and Location Factors of PT. Pegadaian Shari'ah Subrantas Branch that can be reached from all cities in Pekanbaru.


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