This research was carried out in a village in Serosah Village, Hulu Kuantan Subdistrict, Kuantan Singingi Regency. The purpose of this study was to find out the role of the village head in improving the welfare of the people of Serosah Village, Hulu Kuantan Subdistrict, Kuantan Singingi Regency. The sampling technique is for the Serosah Village Devices because the number is relatively small, which is 8 people, so the sample determination uses the saturated sampling method, that is, all populations are sampled. For elements of the community using the Random Sampling method the sampling method from the population is done randomly regardless of the strata that exist in the population, the number of samples taken using the Slovin formula is obtained by 43 people, the total respondents in this study amounted to 51 respondents. Based on the results of the distribution of questionnaires that have been conducted regarding the Role of the Village Head in Increasing Community Welfare in Serosah Village, Hulu Kuantan Subdistrict, Kuantan Singingi District, which produces an average value of 2.52 means that it is at a Low Role. Which means that the Village Head is Less Acting in Community Welfare Improvement in Serosah Village, Hulu Kuantan District, Kuantan Singingi Regency. Because all the indicators used there is no visible role of the village head
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