• Khairul Khairul universitas islam kuantan singingi
Keywords: Participation, Zakat on Fish Farming, Amil Zaka


Zakat is an inseparable aspect of life. Zakat is one of the pillars of Islam, zakat is an expression of gratitude for all the favors given by Allah SWT. In today's life, assets can be obtained, one of which is the results of raising fish, fish breeders in Kenegerian Kopah, Kuantan Tengah District, Kuantan Singingi Regency, in issuing zakat on raising fish using their own rules, without knowing what the amount is issued according to the pillars of Islam, the distribution of zakat issued is sufficient. simple, namely by distributing fish to the poor, orphans, and paying zakat institutions for mosques. This research is a field research (Field Riseach) located in Kenegerian Kopah, Kuantan Tengah District, Kuantan Singingi Regency. The data collection methods are through observation, interview, and documentation. The data from this study use primary data and secondary data, which are then analyzed using descriptive-qualitative analysis.

The results of the study found that the participation of Kenegerian Kopah fish farmers in paying zakat mal is still lacking. Of the 15 fish livestock business actors in 2019, 5 fish livestock business players paid zakat directly, 4 fish livestock business players paid zakat to mosque institutions in Kenegerian Kopah, and 6 fish livestock business actors did not pay zakat. The factors that cause Kopah Kenegerian fish farmers to pay zakat mal are the emergence of awareness of the obligation to pay zakat, the high level of social awareness in paying zakat. Factors that cause fish farmers not to pay zakat include not reaching the nisab, lack of knowledge about zakat on fish farms, and like to pay directly to neighbors who they think are entitled to receive it.
