Tinjauan Yuridis Penegakan Hukum Pelaku Tindak Pidana Pencabulan Terhadap Anak Di Bawah Umur di Wilayah Hukum Polsek Kuantan Tengah

Keywords: Law Enforcement


This thesis examines the sexual abuse of minors in the jurisdiction of the Central Kuantan Police with the problems (1) How is the law enforcement of perpetrators of criminal acts of sexual abuse against minors in the jurisdiction of the Central Kuantan Police (2) What are the obstacles in law enforcement of the criminal offender sexual abuse of minors in the area of ​​Central Kuantan Police. From the research results, two things can be concluded. First, the factors inhibiting the Central Kuantan Sector Police in handling cases of sexual abuse against children include: lack of evidence, the reporter does not want to report a crime of sexual immorality, the suspect runs away, the suspect is elderly, and the budget for accommodation is limited. Second, the efforts made by the Kuantan Sector Police in dealing with criminal acts of sexual abuse against minors have proceeded accordingly. The actions taken by the Kuantan Sector Police are in enforcing the law for perpetrators of criminal acts of sexual abuse against minors in the form of: preventive action (prevention) and repressive action (action). The preventive action taken by the Central Kuantan Police in dealing with criminal acts of sexual abuse of minors is by conducting counseling carried out by the Kamtipmas chapter of the Central Kuantan Police, while the repressive action carried out by the sector police kuantan Tengah includes: (1) conducting an investigation (2) making an arrest (3) carrying out a detention (4) conducting a search (5) carrying out a confiscation


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