• ipesra putra
Keywords: Accounting Information Systems, Sales and Purchases, Bengkel Sepeda Motor Pangean Servis


This study aims to determine the implementation of the sales and purchase accounting information system at the Bengkel Sepeda Motor Pangean Servis, because SIA purchases and sales are the main things that affect the operational processes of an entity. By using information technology to increase the productivity and efficiency of workers in the business sector.

This research was conducted at the Bengkel Sepeda Motor Pangean Servis, Kecamatan Pangean, Kabipaten Kuantan Singingi, with a qualitative descriptive research type, where data were obtained from documentation and interviews.

From the results of research with documentation and interview methods, it is known that the implementation of SIA that is not in accordance with company standards will cause problems so that it is necessary to analyze whether each part in theBengkel Sepeda Motor Pangean Servis has carried out SIA purchases and sales in accordance with the functions and standards set by the company. Implementing SIA purchases and sales that are not perfect will hamper the operational process of the Pangean Servis workshop so it is necessary to analyze the SIA buying and selling which is implemented by the Bengkel Sepeda Motor Pangean Servis to find out the weaknesses and to evaluate the SIA buying and selling.


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