Student interest is the tendency of students to choose the Islamic Banking Study Program at the Islamic University of Kuantan Singingi in accordance with the interests of the students themselves. This research is motivated by the number of students joining the Islamic Banking study program at the Islamic University of Kuantan Singingi every year which still fluctuates. This study aims to determine the factors that influence students' interest in choosing the Islamic Banking Study Program at Kuantan Singingi Islamic University and the dominant factors influencing students' interest in choosing the Islamic Banking Study Program at Kuantan Singingi Islamic University.The research was conducted at the Kuantan Singingi Islamic University. This research belongs to the Quantitative research type. The population in this study is Islamic Banking students from the 2019-2022 class. With a total of 56 people and the sampling technique was carried out by using a total sampling technique where the entire population was used as the research sample. Research data collection techniques with observation, interviews, questionnaires and documentation. Data were analyzed by descriptive quantitative, validity and reliability tests. The conclusion from the results of the study The factors that influence students' interest in choosing the Islamic Banking study program are that there are seven factors that influence students' interest in choosing the Islamic Banking Study Program at Kuantan Singingi Islamic University, consisting of a self-motivation/interest factor that influences 20.27%, Factor Ability has an effect of 14.77%, Job opportunity factor has an effect of 15.46%, Environmental factor has an effect of 10.27%, Study Program Promotion Factor has an effect of 10.52%, Parents factor has an effect of 12.04%%, and Finally, the teaching staff (lecturer) factor has an effect of 20.41%. The factor that most dominantly influences students' interest in choosing an Islamic banking study program is the factor of teaching staff (lecturers), which is the factor with the highest percentage, namely 20.41%.