Peranan Penyuluh Pertanian Dalam Peningkatan Kelas Kelompok Tani di Kecamatan Rimbo Ilir Kabupaten Tebo

  • Mu’amal Rifki
  • Widuri Susilawati
  • Evo Afrianto




This research was conducted to determine the level of the role of agricultural extension workers in increasing the class of farmer groups and to find out the problems faced by agricultural extension workers and farmer groups in increasing their agricultural production in Rimbo Ilir District, Tebo Regency

The research method in this study to determine the level of the role of agricultural extension agents in increasing the Class of farmer groups in Rimbo Ilir District, Tebo Regency was carried out by descriptive analysis through scoring using a Likert Scale. Whereas to find out the problems faced by agricultural extension workers and farmer groups in increasing their agricultural production in Rimbo Ilir District, Tebo Regency uses descriptive analysis.

Based on the results and discussion, it can be concluded that the level of the role of agricultural extension agents in increasing the Class of farmer groups in the District of Rimbo Ilir, Tebo Regency in the high category. Both as an initiator, simulator, motivator, catalyst and linker. Furthermore, the problems faced by agricultural extension agents and farmer groups in increasing their agricultural production in Rimbo Ilir District, Tebo Regency are technical, social, economic and extension facilities.


Keywords: Agricultural Extension; Farmers


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