• Binser Armus
  • Deno Okalia
  • Tri Nopsagiarti
Keywords: Jeruk Nipis, Stek, POC Urine Sapi,


Research on the effect of giving cow urine POC on the growth of Jenuk lime (Citrus aurantifolia) cuttings. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of giving cow urine POC on lime (Citrus aurantifolia) cuttings. The design used in this study was a non-factorial randomized block design (RAK) consisting of 6 treatments, namely K0: 0 ml/L, K1: 20 ml/L, K2: 40 ml/L, K3: 60 ml/L, K4 :80 ml/L, K5: 100 ml/L, where each treatment consisted of 3 replications. Thus, 18 experimental units were obtained, each experimental unit consisted of 4 plants and 3 of them were sample plants so the total number was 72 plants. The results showed that the administration of cow urine POC significantly affected shoot length, number of shoots, age of shoot emergence, number of leaves and root length. The parameters of shoot length (6.63 cm), age of shoot emergence (15.83 DAP), and root length (8.10 cm) where for these three parameters the best treatment was in K2. As for the number of shoots (2.75 pieces) and the number of leaves (4.16 pieces) the best treatment was on K3.


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