• Selvi Avrianti
  • Muslim Muslim
  • Imelda Siska
Keywords: Keywords: chicken, leaves trembesi, weights life, the percentage of karkas, the percentage of fat abdominal




This research aims to understand the influence of commercial substitution rations with flour leaves trembesi ( Samanea saman ) against the weighting of living , the percentage of carcass and the percentage of abdominal fat broiler chicken. This study was conducted of the 33 days started april 27 up to may 29 2016, located in the village toar kecamatan mountain toar, kabupaten kuantan singingi.Material used is day old chick ( DOC ) strains cp last year on declining sales as many as 80 tail, flour leaves trembesi ( TDT ) and feed owns the vivo. Equipment used s the , place drinking water and feed , lights , bucket , weight , a blender , a knife , cormorant , a furnace , firewood , basin , plastic , stopwach and a thermometer. This research using design random complete ( RAL ) , to 4 treatment and 5 remedial .Every remedial consists of 4 chickens broiler .Treatment provided was A 0 % TDT, B 5 % TDT, C 10 % TDT and d 15 % TDT. Parameter examined is living weight , the percentage karkas while the fat abdominal .The research results show that substitution rations commercial tdt as many as 5 percent in rations have an influence very real ( P< 0.01) of weight life while the fat abdominal and had have real impact ( P<0.05) of the percentage karkas broiler chicken.


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