Expert System for Lung Disease Prediction Using the C4.5 Algorithm
Lung diseases significantly impact public health, with smoking, age, and lifestyle being primary risk factors. This study develops an expert system using the C4.5 algorithm to predict lung diseases based on a dataset containing 30,000 records and 11 attributes. Data preprocessing included handling missing values, outlier removal, and attribute conversion. The results indicate smoking as the most influential factor, followed by employment status and insurance ownership. The model achieved an accuracy of 94.66% and an AUC score of 0.993, demonstrating excellent predictive performance. Furthermore, the system can assist healthcare professionals in early diagnosis, enabling timely intervention and improved patient outcomes. Additionally, the integration of such predictive systems may contribute to the development of more personalized healthcare strategies, ensuring that preventive measures are targeted and effective
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Copyright (c) 2024 Tya Septiani Nurfauzia Koeswara, Eva Marsusanti, Rifa Nurafifah Syabaniyah, Rusli Nugraha, Resti Yulistria
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