Factors Affecting The Use Of Smartphones On Rice Farmers In Payakumbuh City, West Sumatra Province

  • Septia Regita
  • Roza Yulida
  • Cepriadi Cepriadi
Keywords: Keywords: smartphones, rice farmer, information, education, and entertainment.



This research aims to determine the characteristics of rice farmers who use smartphones, determine the level of access and function of using smartphones for lowland rice, and analyzing the effect of perceived use, perceived ease of use, attitudes towards the use of technology, behavior to use and actual use of smartphone use. The research sampling technique was done by purposive sampling methods. Data were analyzed using Likert Scale, Structural Equation Model, and Interval Scale Determination Techniques. The results showed the internal characteristics of smartphone users are in the productive age group, last education is high school, adequate income with land area is included in the narrow category, adequate network support, the role of the family in the high use of smartphones. The level of access and function of using smartphones shows that basically smartphones are a potential communication to meet the needs of information, education, and for entertainment. In the field of information, most farmers know about farming management and production technology related to smartphone use, experiences of other farmers, market developments and production inputs, and government policies. In the field of education, most farmers are aware of the Cyber ​​Extension Website of the Ministry of Agriculture, agricultural extension applications, planting and harvest calendar applications, online agricultural shop applications, and agricultural engineering science applications. In the entertainment sector, most farmers are entertained by using social media and games. The effect of perceived use, perceived ease of use, attitudes towards technology use, behavior to use, and actual use of smartphone use shows that farmer characteristics have no significant effect on perceptions of smartphone usability, perception of usability has no significant effect on behavioral interest in using smartphones, and perception of usability has no significant effect on attitudes towards smartphone use.


Keywords: smartphones, rice farmer, information, education, and entertainment.




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