WhatsApp Chat Fraud Analysis Using Support Vector Machine Method
Fraud is one of the most cyber crime on social media. One of the popular social media in Indonesia is Whatsapp. Cases of fraud through chat on Whatsapp application often occur in Indonesia, its due to lack of information. The research conducted related to the detection of words containing fraud in WhatsApp chat application. The methods in this research applies the literature study method to find secondary data in the references theories and relevant research. The data collection is carried out by collecting chats that lead to fraud cases and then processing them using RapidMiner application with SVM (Support Vector Mechine) method. The results of this research can be concluded that this research succeeded in implementing SVM algorithm for whatsapp fraud chat analysis with an accuracy rate of 84.21%
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Copyright (c) 2021 Fathur Rahman, Irfansyah Irfansyah, Rivaldi Dwi Andhika, Junadhi Junadhi

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