Implementation of Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (Anfis) Method on Rice Price Prediction in Lubuklinggau City

  • Zulfauzi -
  • Budi Santoso
  • M. Agus Syamsul Arifin
  • Siti Nuraisyah
Keywords: Prediction, Adaptive, Neuro-Fuzzy, ANFIS, rice price


The problem behind this research is the imbalance between the capacity offered and the capacity demanded by the community, resulting in uncontrolled rice prices, so it is necessary to predict rice price in the future to monitor the stability of rice prices in the Lubuklinggau City area. In this study, the Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) method was used to predict future rice prices. The sample used in this study is data on rice price in Lubuklinggau City from January 2016 to December 2020. The result of the prediction of rice price in the Lubuklinggau City area for the next five years. With the accuracy value in rice price predictions based on MSE training, numely 99,9037% and based on the MSE test that is 99,8784%. While the accuracy values of rice price predictions based on MAPE training and testing are 93,2997% and 88,2782%, respectively. For the accuracy value of rice price prediction result based on the MSE and MAPE values respectively namely 99,8935% and 92,9212%. It can be concluded that the ANFIS method is very effectively used for the process of predicting a price or value in the future



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How to Cite
-, Z., Santoso, B., Arifin, M. A. S., & Nuraisyah, S. (2021). Implementation of Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (Anfis) Method on Rice Price Prediction in Lubuklinggau City. JURNAL TEKNOLOGI DAN OPEN SOURCE, 4(2), 260 - 269.
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