Student Identification Based on Patterns of Association For Student Misbehaviour Using Frequent Pattern Growth Algorithms
Student infractions are incidents often committed by students who break the rules at school. This naturally worries school authorities and overwhelms them with student misbehavior. Student rule-breaking is a common problem that can interfere with a safe and orderly learning environment. The more students break the rules, the greater the impact on several aspects, including student achievement, discipline, suboptimal teaching and learning activities, and students' social lives outside of school. Identifying students who are prone to rule violations can help school officials implement more effective prevention programs. Data mining is a process of extracting information from large data sets to discover patterns and relationships hidden within them. This study aims to identify frequent student infractions using the Frequent Pattern Growth algorithm. The Frequent Pattern Growth (FP -growth) algorithm is used to generate frequent itemsets that are then used in the association rules process. The association rules process aims to find rules or relationships between violations based on the discovered Frequent Itemsets. This process is influenced by predefined minimum support and minimum confidence values. A Minimum Support value of 30% and a Minimum Confidence value of 50% are used to obtain rules with a sufficiently high confidence level. It is expected that the identification results from this study will provide a better understanding of the types of violations commonly committed by students in school. This information can be used by school officials to develop more effective prevention strategies and focus on.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Erlinda Erlinda, Dwipa Junika Putra, Mourend Devegi

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