Keep a pet at home takes time and effort. For people who have very dense flurry of activity certainly keep a pet such as a cat would be very hard to do. A Raspberry Pi microcontroller is designed for the purpose of automatic feeding so it is easy to use. The workings of the tool are automatic scheduling using an Android-based smartphone so that the servo motor will open and close so that the cat food is taken out into the food container that has been provided. By using an Android-based smartphone, the feeding schedule can be set by the hour for each funnel. Equipped with a buzzer as a reminder of cat owners if the available food stock is low and must be immediately refilled. The programming language used is Python language. Based on testing and performance of "Automatic Cat Feeding Using Raspberry Pi Android Based" has shown results in accordance with the design that is able to open and close the funnel that fills the cat food container with a servo motor automatically by setting a predetermined time.
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