Implementation of Fuzzy Logic Using Mamdani Method to Determine The Quantity of Bag Production (Case Study In Roman Indah Padang Bag Factory)

  • Dwipa Junika Putra
  • Nofriadi Nofriadi
  • Erlinda Erlinda
Keywords: Fuzzy Logic, Mamdani, Demand, Inventory, Production


Roman Indah bag Factory is a bag manufacturing company that receives orders from customers every month. Fuzzy Logic is used to define the production known so far, so that the preferred result can be used as a basis for manager's decision. In the calculation process, Fuzzy Logic Mamdani requires maximum and minimum production data, maximum and minimum demand data, and maximum and minimum inventory data. Fuzzy logic is able to map an input into an output without factor factors. Fuzzy logic is used to create a model of a system that is able to determine the quantity of production. the factors that affect the quantity of production. Fuzzy logic is called the old new logic because the science of modern fuzzy logic and methodological was discovered only a few years ago, in fact the concept of fuzzy logic itself has been in us for a long time. Mamdani method is the most common method when it comes to fuzzy methodology. Mamdani method uses a set of IF-THEN rules derived from experienced operators/experts. The Mamdani model is often known as the Max-Min model. By using Mamdani method in Roman Indah handbag factory can assist in the efficiency of time and labour, because using Mamdani method can calculate the amount of production in the next month, so from the results can be derived consideration material decision by the manager, whether in determining raw materials, promotion, bag model, consumer, HR, etc. so that more company profits.


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How to Cite
Putra, D. J., Nofriadi, N., & Erlinda, E. (2022). Implementation of Fuzzy Logic Using Mamdani Method to Determine The Quantity of Bag Production (Case Study In Roman Indah Padang Bag Factory). JURNAL TEKNOLOGI DAN OPEN SOURCE, 5(1), 1 - 7.
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