• Aldi Septiadi
  • Tri Nopsagiarti
  • Desta Andriani
Keywords: Exploration, Fungi, Rhizosphere,Rubber Plant.


Fungi in the rhizosphere is one of the biotic factors that can stimulate plant resistance to disease. This study aims to determine the types of rubber plant rhizosphere fungi in community plantations in Pangean sub-district. This research was conducted at the Kuantan Singingi Islamic University from July to September 2022. The method used was a survey method, namely by observing and taking samples directly in the field. Samples were taken from 3 villages, consisting of Pembatang, Teluk Pauh, and Pasar Baru villages, brought to the laboratory of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kuantan Singingi Islamic University for analysis, and 16 mushroom isolates were obtained. Based on the pathogenicity test of 16 isolates of rubber rhizosphere fungi, there were 13 isolates that were pathogenic, 1 isolate potentially pathogenic and 2 isolates were non-pathogenic. The 13 pathogen isolates cannot be applied to plants because they interfere with seed viability or vigor, namely isolates (TP E-2)(PA-2)(PD-1)(TP A-2)(TP A-1)(PB A-1)(PB A-1)(PB E-1)(PB A-2)(PB B-2)(PB C-2)(PB B-2)(PB D-2). 1 potentially pathogenic isolate (TPA-1). 2 non-pathogenic isolates namely (P B -2)(P E-2).


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