• Yelpi Delina
  • Deno Okalia
  • Andi Alatas
Keywords: Keywords: Bawang Merah, dolomite, kcl fertilizer




               This study aims to determine the effect of dolomite and KCL fertilizer on the growth and production of shallots (Allium Ascalanicum. L). The design used was a factorial RGD consisting of 2 factors, namely: Factor D (administration of Dolomite), namely: D0 (control), D1 (administration of dolomite 1 ton / ha equivalent to 36 g / plot), D2 (administration of Dolomite 2 ton / ha equivalent 72 gr / ha), D3 (Giving Dolomite 3 tons / ha equivalent to 108 gr / ha), and K factor (KCL Fertilizer), namely: K0: (control), K1 (Giving KCL fertilizer 100 kg / ha equivalent to 0.9 gr / plant), K2 (giving KCL fertilizer 200 kg / ha equivalent to 1.8 grams / plant), K3 (Giving fertilizer 300 kg / ha equivalent 2.7 grams / plant. Observation data from each treatment analyzed statistically if significant effect will be continued with further tests of honest real difference at 5% level The results of the study indicate that the treatment of dolomite alone gives a significant effect on all parameters of observation.The best treatment is found in D2 (Dolomite administration of 2 tons / ha equivalent to 72 gr / plot ) with a plant height of 25.06 cm, a wet weight of 155.41 grams, a single KCL fertilizer treatment me give a real influence on all parameters observed. The best treatment is in the treatment of K2 (KCL fertilizer application 200 kg / ha equivalent to 1.8 g / plant) with a plant height of 25.11 cm, wet weight 151.55 grams / plot, and weight dried 128.34 grams. The interaction of the treatment of Dolomite and KCL Fertilizers did not have a significant effect on all observation parameters.


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