• Mhd Azrun Indah Ramadana
  • Ahmad Haitami
  • Trinopsagiarti Trinopsagiarti
Keywords: Corn birdlime , Petroganik , TSP , Growth , Production


The reseach aims to review response growth and the production of the corn plants birdlime (Zea mays ceratina Kulesh). Whether singular or interaction.The method in use is Random Design Group Factorial that is first factor that is first factor P, P0 = (Control), P1=(Petroganik84g/plot),P2=(Petroganik168g/plot),P3=(Petroganik252g/plot).Second factor T heavy cornhusk = TSP, T0 = (Control), T1 = (TSP 1,4 g/plants), T2 = (TSP 2,8 g/plants), T3 = (TSP 4,2 g/plants). Parameters in observed in Tall Plant(cm), long the tunny (cm), (g), weight whithout cornhusk (g), the number of lines seeds (line). The research results show the fertilizer petroganik in single give real impact parameters, to higher plants best as treatment P3 (Petroganik 252 g/Plot) which is 191,71 cm, heavy cornhusk, Best in P2 treatment (petroganik 168 g/plot) which is 312,45 g, and the number of lines seeds, best in P1 treatment (petroganik 84 g/plot) which is 11,16 lines. Fertilizer and the TSP singly not exerting influence over all parameters clear observation. In the interaction of the provision of fertilizer petroganik and fertilizer the TSP give real impact of higher plants, The best treatment is the P3T3 (petroganik s 252 g/plot and TSP 4,2 g/plants) which is 197,06cm.


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