• Rosi Juli Lestari
  • Deno Okalia
  • Chairil Ezward
Keywords: TKKS, Posfor, Cow Dung, Potassium, Calcium And Magnesium Compost.


This research was conducted in the village of Sentajo, Sentajo Raya, on September 24, 2018.This research aims to look at Analysis Posfor (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca) and Magnesium (Mg) in composting Tritankos (Empty Sign Leotard) enriched cow manure. The design of the in this study was a randomized Complete Design (RAL) non Factorial consisting of 6 degrees of treatment and three replicates. As for some of the treatments that are used as follows: a: 100% TKKS + Trichoderma Sp 5 kg/tonne of compost, B : 100% TKKS +TrichodermaS p 10 kg /ton compost ingredients, C: 75% TKKS + 25 % cow manure + Trichoderma S p 5 kg/ tons of compost materials, D : 75% TKKS + 25 % cow manure + Trichoderma S p 10 kg/ tons of compost materials, E : 50 % TKKS50% + cowmanure + Trichoderma Sp 5 kg/ton compost ingredients, F : 50% TKKS50 % + cow manure +Trichoderma S p 10 kg /ton compost ingredients. Present participle of empty oil palm bunches of enriched cow manure using Trichoderma Sp (Tritankos) influential  reagainst the content of Posfor (P) and do not affect the real against the content Potassium (K), calcium (Ca) and Magnesium (Mg). The content of P in A: 0, 45%, B: 0,68%, C: 0,81%, , D: 0, 86%, E: 0, 75%, F: 0, 75%. Content of K on A: 0.90%,B: 0.96%, C: 1.15%, D: 1.15%,E: 0.92%, F: 0.96%. Content of Ca in A:1.04%, B:0.82%C:0.97%,D:0.82%,E:0.89%,F:0.90%. OnAMgcontent:A:0.75%,B:0.80%,C: 0.82%, D: 0.76% E: 0.75%,F: 0.81%.Based on the research that has been done can be summed up: making Treatment composting the empty Palm bunches of enriched cow manure using Trichoderma Sp (Tritankos) gives a real influence against the parameters of observation the value of Posfor (P) with Indigo highest median treatment D (75% TKKS + 25% cow manure + TrichodermaSp10 Kg/Ton Compost Ingredients) that is 0.86%. Making treatment composting the empty Palm bunches of enriched cow manure using Trichoderma Sp (Tritankos) does not provide any real influence against the parameters of observation values of potassium (K), calcium (Ca) and Magnesium (Mg) but the value median the median of the highest potassium – found in the treatment of C (75% TKKS + 25% cow manure + Trichoderma Sp 5 Kg/Ton Compost Ingredients) i.e. 1.15%, while for the highest value of calcium is found in the perlakaun A (100% TKKS + Trichoderma Sp 5 Kg/Ton Compost Ingredients) i.e. 1.04% and the the average highest magnesium there is in perlakauan C ((75% TKKS + 25% cow manure + Trichoderma Sp 5 Kg/Ton Compost Ingredients) i.e. 1.15%, while for the highest value of calcium is found in the perlakaun A (100% TKKS + Trichoderma Sp 5 Kg/Ton Compost Ingredients) i.e. 1.04% and the average highest magnesium is present on the perlakauan C (75% TKKS + 25% cow manure + Trichoderma Sp 5 Kg/Ton Compost Ingredients) 0.82%.



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