• Mhd.Wahyudin Heru Pradana
  • Deno Okalia
  • A. Haitami
  • Angga Pramana
Keywords: Compost, Trichoderma, Bacillus, P, K, Mg


The purpose of this study was to analyze the oil palm empty fruit bunches compost fertilizer with cow dung content of phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium using activator Trichoderma sp. and Bacillus sp. The research method used was a Completely Randomized Non-Factorial Design (RAL) consisting of 6 levels of treatment and 3 replications / groups. Treatment A0 = 100% oil palm empty fruit bunch (20 kg) + Trichoderma (100 gr) + Bacillus bacteria (100 ml), A1 = oil palm empty fruit bunch 90% (18 kg) + Trichoderma (100 gr) + 10% cow dung (2 kg) + Bacillus Bacteria (100 ml), A2 = Empty bunches of palm oil 80% (16 kg) + Cow dung 20% (4 kg) + Trichoderma (100 gr) + Bacillus Bacteria (100 ml), A3 = Empty bunches oil palm 70% (14 kg) + 30% cow dung (6 kg) + Trichoderma (100 gr) + Bacillus bacteria (100 ml), A4 = empty palm oil palm bunches 60% (12 kg) + cow dung 40% (8 kg) + Trichoderma (100 gr) + Bacillus bacteria (100 ml), A5 = Oil palm empty fruit bunch 50% (10 kg) + Cow dung 50% (10 kg) + Trichoderma (100 gr) + Bacillus bacteria (100 ml) . All treatments were repeated 3 times. So there are 18 combination experiments. The data were analyzed statistically, with further tests of honest real difference (BNJ) at the 5% level. Based on the results of the study, the analysis of non-factorial CRD design can be concluded that the analysis of oil palm empty fruit bunch compost fertilizer with cow dung on the phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium content using the activator Trichoderma sp. and Bacillus sp have a significant effect on levels of phosphorus (P) and magnesium (Mg). The best treatment is A4 (oil palm empty fruit bunch 60% (12 kg) + Cow dung 40% (8 kg) + Trichoderma (100 gr) + Bacillus bacteria (100 gr)} with phosphorus (P) content of0.42 % and magnesium (Mg) by 0.55%.


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