• Beben Ariananda
  • Tri Nopsagiarti
  • Mashadi Mashadi
Keywords: Lettuce, AB Mix, Hydroponics Floating System


This study aims to determine the concentration of the appropriate AB Mix nutrient solution for the growth and production of hydroponic lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) Floating system. The research has been carried out in the experimental garden of the Kuantan Singingi Islamic University campus, Kuantan Bay, Riau Province. The time of the study was carried out for three months starting from October to December 2018. This study used a non factorial Completely Randomized Design (RAL) with 5 levels of treatment, namely: A1 = 3 ml A solution + 7 ml B / L solution of ready to use water, A2 = 4 ml solution A + 6 ml solution B / L ready to use water, A3 = 5 ml solution A + 5 ml solution B / L ready water for use, A4 = 6 ml solution A + 4 ml solution B / L ready to use water and A5 = 7 ml of A + 3 ml of B / L solution of ready to use water. Based on the results of this study concluded that the administration of AB Mix solutions with various concentrations did not have a significant effect on the growth of lettuce plants.


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