• Mardi Alsa
  • Chairil Ezward
  • Seprido Seprido
Keywords: Chicken Manure Fertilizer, NPK Phonska Plus Fertilizer, Chili Rawit.


This study aims to determine the effect of chicken manure and NPK phonska plus manure on the growth and production of chili pepper (Capsicum Frustescens L), both singly and interactively. The research method used was factorial randomized block design (RBD) which is the first factor factor S = chicken manure consists of, S0 = (Control), S1 = (Chicken Manure 1.68 kg / plot), S2 = (Fertilizer 3.36 kg Chicken Cage / plot), S3 = (Chicken manure 5.04 kg / plot). The second factor factor P = Phonska Plus NPK Fertilizer consists of, P0 = (Control), P1 = (NPK Phonska Plus Fertilizer 8.4 gr / plant), P2 = (NPK Phonska Plus Fertilizer 16.8 gr / plant), P3 = (Phonska Plus NPK fertilizer 25.2 gr / plant). The results of the study showed that the administration of chicken manure was singularly had a significant effect on the parameters of plant height, flowering age, number of fruits and fruit weight, but did not have a significant effect on harvest age parameters. The best treatment was S3 plant height (25.90 cm), S3 flowering age (29.41 hss), number of fruit (72.10 fruits / plant) and S3 fruit weight (75.21 gr / plant). While the administration of Phonska Plus NPK Fertilizer gives a significant effect on all parameters of the observation, the best treatment on plant height P3 (25.04 cm), flowering age P3 (30.16 hss), age of harvesting P3 (81.83 days), number of fruits (65.16 pieces) and P3 fruit weight (66.99 grams / plant). Interactively the application of chicken manure and NPK fertilizer phonska plus gave a significant influence on the parameters of S3P3 plant height (29.29 cm), S3P3 flowering age (28 hss), S3P3 fruit number (89.33 fruit / plant) and S3P3 fruit weight ( 92.77 grams / plant), but it does not significantly affect the age parameters of Harvest.


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