Society as Human Capital in Superior Era

  • Retni Pratiwi
  • Afrizon Saputra
  • Riki Ruspianda
  • Agus Candra
Keywords: Superior Era, Society, Business Networks, Religious Insight


Along with the development of technology, now society has entered the 5.0 era where technology is a necessity that must be owned by every society. Therefore, in order to face the era Society 5.0, every country and region must have superior human resources. This study examines the superiority of human resources in the era of society in terms of mastery of technology and Islamic behavior. This research method uses literature study. The results of the study indicate that the skills that must be possessed in order to achieve superior human resources are the ability of Language Skills, IT Literacy, Writing Skills, innovative, and creative. In addition, other abilities that must be possessed are by instilling religious values in people's lives, both for those who work for companies and those who have their own businesses, such as motivation, religious education, business networks, religious insight, and inculcating al-Islamic values. Al-Qur'an.


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